
International researchers, practitioners, public authorities, and heads of the organizations founded by parents of children with ASD

Adam Ockelford

Professor of Music at Roehampton University, where he directs the Applied Music Research Centre. A composer and music teacher. Has been working with children with special needs for years.

Alla Shaboltas

Candidate of Psychology, assistant professor, Dean of Psychology at SPbSU, holds the Chair of Health Psychology and Abnormal Behaviour.

Anastasia Kozorez

Expert in Applied Behavior Analysis, co-author of the Resource Room practical guide, senior methodologist and head of the laboratory specializing on support technologies for children with ASD at Publicly Funded Institution Moscow Centre for Psychology and Education under The Moscow City Department of Education.

Anastasia Zirianova

Strategic Initiatives Agency ANCO social projects deputy director: a welcome address to the conference guests.

Andrey Afonin

Art director and director at Round II Studio Theatre, chairman of the Equal opportunities Interregional Non-Governmental Organisation (Moscow).

Anna Berkolaiko

Sociologist, business coach, former HR-director of major industrial companies, the Way Out Foundation organisational management consultant.

Anna Kalabukhova

Applied Behavior Analysis specialist, educational psychologist, resoirce room supervisor at the Arc School №1321 SEI.

Anna Portnova

Doctor of Medicine, head of Child and Adolescent Clinical Pathogenetical Problems Division at the V.P. Serbsky National Medical Narcology and Psychiatry Research Center FSBI, senior visiting child psychiatrist at the Moscow City Health Department.

Anna Trubicina

Biologist, behavior analyst, research scientist at Novosibirsk State University Institute of Medicine and Psychologies.

Anna Yegorova

Autism-Regions Association Chairman of the Executive Board, founder of the Assistance Autonomous Non-Commercial Organisation, head of the Facets Club for young people with disabilities.

Anton Belov

Head of the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art.

Anton Klyuchev

Head of the PNI №22 State Funded Institution.

Anton Storozhenko

Executive partner at Spencer Syuart company, father to an autistic child, volunteer at the Center for Autism Problems.

Arthur Haustov

Candidate of Pedagogics, Head of the MSUPE Federal Resource Center for Organization of Comprehensive Support to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, chief editor of Autism and Developmental Disorders Journal.

Avdotia Smirnova

President of The Way Out Foundation. Screenwriter, TV-host, director, author of numerous articles and essays. In 2012 Avdotia Smirnova founded and presided The Way Out Foundation.

Aysa Shaffer

Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), Master of Psychology, Clinical Director of 360 Behavioral Health, one of the largest ABA-organisations in Central and Southern California, including LAUSD (Los-Angeles School District, second-largest school disctrict in the USA). ABAI and CalABA member. Supervisor of Voronezh and Belgorod Oblasts, Moscow and Saint Petersburg resource rooms.

Dmitry Sergeev

First deputy general director and Mail.ru Group, VKontakte CEO, chairman at the 'Love Syndrome' Foundation trustee board.

Elena Grigorenko

Psy.D., professor at Baylor College of Medicine (USA), University of Houston (USA) and Yale University (USA), Head of the SPbU Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Human Development Research, senior research scientist at the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education (Russia), head of The Way Out Foundation advisory board.

Elena Morozova

Candidate of Psychology, Head of the center for professional and psychological expert rehabilitational diagnostics Federal Bureau for Medical and Social Expertise FSBI.

Elena Tsvetkova

Head of the Kuntsevsky Center for Family Upbringing Assistance State Public Institution.

Elena Zablotskis

Lawyer at the Center for Curative Pedagogics NPO.

Eric Rubenstein

PhD, ScM, Postdoctoral Fellow in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Waisman Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, specializes in ASD and other developmental disorders epidemiology research.

Eugenia Lebedeva

Candidate of Psychology, senior researcher at the Russian Academy of Sciences Psychology Institute, Head of the Science Responsibility Center under the Autism-Regions Association.

Eugeny Bondar

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, NSU senior research scientist, Autism-Regions Association board member, President of the Athmosphere Autonomous Non-Commercial Organisation for support of people with ASD, Spectrum Association for support of people with ASD coordination board member (Novosibirsk Oblast), INSAR member, Sasha's father (ASD, 9 years old).

Eugeny Makushkin

Doctor of Medicine, professor, senior visiting child psychiatrist at the Ministry of Health of The Russian Federation, Deputy Research Director of the V.P. Serbsky National Medical Narcology and Psychiatry Research Center FSBI.

Galina Ivanova

Voronezh Oblast Department of Education, Science and Youth Policy deputy director.

Galina Kozlovskaya

Doctor of Medicine, professor, head of the Mental Health Research Center FSBSI Early Childhood Mental Pathologies Division.

Gulnara Sotskaia

Medical Psychologist, neuropsychologist, head of psychological and professional expert and rehabilitational diagnostics and rehabilitation division at the Federal Office for Medical and Social Assessment FSBI under the Ministry of Labour of the Russian Federation .

Irina Kirilova

Head of the Project-Analytic and Management Department at the Belgorod Oblast Department of Internal and Personnel Policies.

Irina Mkrtumova

Doctor of Sociology, professor, Institute of Further Vocational Education for Social Workers Science and Analytics Deputy Director, Correspondong Fellow of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

Irina Ovchinnikova

Junior research scientist at the SPbU Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Human Development Research, web-resource specialist.

Irina Petrova

Head of the Voronezhskaya Oblast autonomous institution Regional Child and Adolescent Rehabilitation Center Sail of Hope. Candidate of Medical Science.

John Curcio

PsyD, сlinical psychologist, psychotherapist, Futura Psychiatric Residential Commmunity (Maropati) supervisor.

Julnar Asfari

SOL' Social Innovation Support Center CEO, Vmeste1000 social project co-author.

Kira Afonina

Deputy Director of the People with Disabilities Department under the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation.

Kira Afonina

Deputy Director of the People with Disabilities Department under the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation.

Lilia Kolpakova

Educational psychologist, behavior analyst, teacher at the Institute of Applied Behavior Analysis, resource rooms clinical supervisor.

Liubov Oltarzhevskaia

Candidate of Pedagogics, Head of the Moscow Centre for Psychology and Education PFI under The Moscow City Department of Education, Honorary Educator of the Russian Federation.

Lorenzo Sibio

Administrator of the Futura Psychiatric Residential Community (Italy).

Margareta Kinshina

Head pediatrician of Voronezh Oblast, head of medical and pediatric care division under the Voronezh Oblast Department of Health.

Margareta Olar

Institute of Applied Behavior Analysis and Psychological and Social Technologies ANCO Director, expert on the organization of education for students with autism spectrum disorders at the Council for Education of Persons with Special Needs and Disabilities under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Maria Prochuhaeva

Head of the Absolut Private School.

Maria Sisneva

Clinical psychologist, founder of STOP PNI movement, fellow of The Interagency Task Force on Development of Basic Approaches to Reform of Psycho-Neurologic Internats under The Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation.

Marina Azimova

Ed. M., MSW, BCBA. Member of ABAI, CT ABA, Rus ABA, FEAT (Families for Effective Autism Treatment), supervisor of 9 projects on the territory of Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine. Executive Director of Clinical Services at ABA Services of CT, LLC.

Marina Yemets

The head of the Social Care Department, Primorsky District of Saint Petersburg Administration.

Maxim Piskunov

The dean of medicine of the Open World Center for Medical and Pedagogical Therapy, advanced practice psychiatrist.

Mikhail Ivanov

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, senior researcher at the Mental Health Research Center FSBSI Child Psychiatry Division.

Natalia Rakhlin

PhD, linguist, associate professor at Wayne State University, specialist in language development in children and developmental language and speech disorders.

Natalia Simashkova

Doctor of Medicine, professor, head of the Research Center for Mental Health FSBSI Child Psychiatry Division.

Natalia Zlobina

Founder and president of The Way Out in Belgorod Foundation. Created the foundation in 2013 in order to change the living conditions of peoiple with autism in Belgorod Oblast. Head of the project office managing the proect pipeline dealing with the development of the regional support system for people with ASD and their families. These projects are carried out in cillaboration with the Belgorod Oblast Government. Expert of the Autism-Regions Association. Makar's mother (ASD, 13 years old).

Nyuta Federmesser

Founder of the Vera Hospice Charity Foundation, head of the Moscow Health Department Palliative Care Center State Budgetary Healthcare Institution.

Oksana Draganova

Candidate of Psychology, associate professor. Holds the Chair of Psychology and Pedagogics at the Institute of Education Development, oversees the training of educators participating in the Resource Room Model.

Oleg Salagai

Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation.

Olga Bobodzhonova

Senior psychologist at the Academy of Public Administration State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education.

Olga Goldfarb

Child neurologist, director of the Bancroft system psychoneurological clinic. Bancroft is an organisation, that helps to adapt people with special needs in the society.

Olga Shapovalova

Board Certified Behavior Analyst (ВСВА), master in behavioral science, fellow of Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI) and California Association For Behavior Analysis (CalABA).

Oxana Ivanova

The Open World Center for Medical and Pedagogical Therapy Head of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Division.

Oxana Talantseva

Research engineer at the SPbU Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Human Development Research.

Pavel Kantor

Lawyer at the Center for Curative Pedagogics NPO.

Reverend Ioann (Guaita)

Historian, clergyman of the Shubin Kosma and Damian Church.

Ruben Vardanyan

Social investor, businessman and senior manager, co-founder of Aurora Humanitarian Initiative, founder and chairman of the PHILIN executive board (Charity Infrastructure), founder and partner at Phoenix Advisors, co-founder of Moscow School of Management Skolkovo and its first president.

Sergei Vitrianiuk

Board member of the Autism-Regions Association of organisations founded by the parents of autistic children.

Svetlana Mironiuk

Head of the PwC Marketing and Business Development Service, member of the Way Out Foundation board of trustees.

Sviatoslav Dovbnia

Child neurologist, the Naked Hearts Foundation expert, visiting professor at the University of New Mexico (USA), support programs for families of young children consultant.

Tatiana Klyushnik

Doctor of Medicine, professor, head of the Mental Health Research Center FSBSI.

Tatiana Kovaleva

Doctor of Pedagogics, professor, head of the MSUPE Institute of Continuous Education Laboratory for Individualization and Continuous Education, president of the Interregional Association of Tutors.

Tatiana Logvinenko

Research laboratory assistant at the SPbU Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Human Development Research.

Tatiana Morozova

Clinical psychologist, the Naked Hearts Foundation expert, visiting professor at the University of New Mexico (USA), support programs for families of young children consultant.

Tatiana Povetkina

Candidate of Pedagogics, assistant professor at the Voronezh State University of Education Department of General and Special Education, Spark of Hope Voronezh Regional Community Organization of People with Disabilities Chairman of the Executive Board

Tatyana Sinyugina

Deputy minister of education of the Russian Federation. Supervises and coordinates the work of the Department of State Policy in the Field of Children Safeguarding and the Department of State Policy in the Field of General Education.

Vasiliy Utkin

Journalist, blogger.

Vera Shengeliya

Social activist, trustee of The Life Route Foundation, head of The Polytechnic Museum inclusion programs.

Vinod Menon

Professor of psychiatry and behavior sciences at Stanford University (USA). Head of the Stanford Cognitive & Systems Neuroscience Laboratory, which conducts interdisciplinary research of functions and dysfunctions of human brain.

Vladimir Borodin

Professor at the V.P. Serbsky National Medical Narcology and Psychiatry Research Center FSBI Academic Services, co-developer of continuous medical learning programs in the field of ASD.

Yekaterina Karelina

Founder and co-owner on the Seendex company, head of the Business Russia Subcommittee on Autonomous Organizational Management Via Artificial Intelligence, Head of the Center for Economic Studies in Sociotechnical Systems at the MSU Faculty of Ecomonics.

Yekaterina Pomeranceva

Ph.D. in Biology, geneticist, head of the Genetico Laboratory.

Yelisey Osin

Child psychiatryist. Specialist in ASD diagnisis. Member of The Way Out Foundation advisory board.

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Yulia Azarova
Elizaveta Morozova
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Conference 2016
Any donation will help to create a life-long support system for people with autism and their families in Russia
Anna Yegorova

Anna Yegorova

Assistance ANCO
Autism-Regions Association Chairman of the Executive Board, founder of the Assistance Autonomous Non-Commercial Organisation, head of the Facets Club for young people with disabilities.

Events featuring this expert

9 October

Inclusion: autistic people are better off without us?

Public Talk
10 October

Open parent committee. Life in the society: the role of the government and NCO in complex support system development

Life in the Society